Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mea Culpas, Mini-Review-A-Rama, and the Return of Metal

I am very very sorry as to the absence of my ramblings as of late, but you should know that you, the gentle readers, shall reap the benefits. Right? RIGHT! Now, just to get caught up on everything I will go a series of mini reviews, which will hereby be called MINI-REVIEW-A-RAMA! Who says I'm not groundbreaking? ALLON-SY!

VENTURE BROS. 4.3 "Perchance to Dean"
Christ, I love that title anyway, this episode we saw a Brock flashback where Doc Venture was showing a super 90's version of Brock the Boy Clone Farm, but one Dean was all Sloth so it gets flushed...and survives to hate the real Dean Venture. Go figure huh? This episode also saw the return of Dermot and general hi-jinks from him. The Sloth Dean was actually super creepy, because we learn that not only does he hate Real Dean, but he has been digging up dead clone Dean bodies to make a skin suit to earn his father's love. Yeesh. My favorite bits though were when Doc Venture, in an effort to jump start Dean's career in Super-Science, shows him where he gets his inspiration...Prog-Rock in the form of Yes records. Hell yes.

VENTURE BROS. 4.4 "Return to Malice"
This might be one of my favorite episodes of Venture Bros ever. Why? Two words: Henchman 21. This episode shows his hilarious decent into madness and how he became the most badass member of The Monarch's hench squad. I'm actually not going to give a full review solely because I don't wanna give anything go to some time this week and watch the fucker, though I will give away that Dr. Mrs. The Monarch is still hot as hell.

MOVIE REVIEW: "Law Abiding Citizen'
Wayyyyy more entertaining than I thought it would be. Super gritty and smart. Great performances from Foxx and Butler, though still wished it was directed by Frank Darabont.

METALOCALYPSE 3.1! "RenovationKlok"
Holy Ronnie James Dio, I have been waiting for this for awhile. With there manager dead, Dethklok is forced to start running there business and how do you think it goes? If you guess, horribly hilarious you guessed right. This is easily one of the funniest episodes of the show and I am glad this show is popular because the evolution of this show has been very interesting to watch. It started as just a goof on rock stars, but now, with this episode Brenden Small manages to squeeze slapstick, foreboding, and a funny and sharp as hell satire on the record industry and recession. This season is already so metal.


Awesome Spoiler: Dethklok's manager (and my favorite character) isn't dead!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Tonight marked the first production meeting I had with the lovely people of Club Greenlight of Midwestern State University and it would seem that I am the lead male in a zombie flim, entitled MZU.

Now I am kinda leery to give away alot of stuff, but the script it really solid and I can't wait to start doing a production blog with tons of pictures from set.

I play Jeremy in the film and he is sort of the leader/smart ass, so I should do ok.

See you cats later for more reports from the set and other nerdy things in general.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fuck Lifeforce.

Yes, I am fully aware that that is a regular ass Earth Vampire, but don't worry about becuase I have cool shit to tell you....

As of 2:45 AM, October 24th, 2009, Myself and Matthew Turner finsihed our scipt for the sci-fi, horror, comedy Vampires From Space.

Now, I am not really sure how we got the idea (as soon as I get the full story I will post it, with help from Matt), but after many nights, many beers, and many bowls of pipe tobbacco, we really buckled down and brought the fucker home last night and we are damn proud of it.

I don't want to give much away right now so I will just wait until I have something new to post, production wise, but I did want to gloat a bit becauase we think it's funny as hell and we have a feeling you will too.



"My nut sack is turning into Silly Putty down here!"

Tonight brought the latest adVENTURE (see what I did there), entitled "Handsome Ransom" and it was a doozy, dear readers. Not very many shows have had the honor of making me laugh out loud like I was watching and Apatow film (The Office U.S., 30 Rock, and Spaced hold that honor), but The Venture Brothers now hold the record, with this episode, of Show That Has Consistently Made Me Shoot Dr. Pepper Out of My Nose.

This week we saw the return of The Monarch, Dr. Mrs. Girlfriend, Pete White, and Master Billy Quizboy, but the real MPV of this episode is Capt. Sunshine. Sunshine is an amalgam of Batman and Superman with a taste for the young boys and a certain Monarch-related bad experience that has wounded him mentally. This character is voiced to perfection by Kevin "Batman" Conroy and easily gets some of the episodes best lines, but he doesn't get all the funny; the episode in itself is very witty and definitely shows a return to form for Publick and Hammer, as they continue to show why they are the best script writers in all of Cartoondom. The entire episode keeps you laughing.

"Handsome Ransom" revolves around the boys getting captured by The Monarch and getting rescued by Capt. Sunshine, who promptly ignores Dean and pretty much abducts Hank to turn into his new WonderBoy, his Robin essentially. Not wanting to give too much away, I will only say that things get real uncomfortable, real fast and Doc Venture, Sgt. Hatred, White, and Billy Quizboy have to rescue Hank (to get back White and Quizboy's seed money) while The Monarch and Dr. Mrs. Girlfriend are just trying to get revenge on Capt. Sunshine (for giving them hellish sunburns and ignoring Due Process).

Another really awesome part of the episode is how much you don't miss Brock. I mean, I love me some Brock Sampson as much as the next fella, but Sgt. Hatred is funny as hell and I love that he is the new Venture bodyguard.

In summation, season four is going to rock so frakking hard we will possibly go blind and I better see some more Capt. Sunshine.

Awesome Funny Line: "Where do ya want the pussy, Sunshine?!"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Review: Where The Wild Things Are.

Director: Spike Jonze

Writer: David Eggers and Spike Jonze

Where The Wild Things Are is my favorite movie of 2009, but it's not for everyone and I will tell you why.

When I sat down with The Girl to watch this, I expected something beautiful, but what I got was so, so much more. This is a movie that I feel every twentysomething in my generation should see because, and I am sorry for how awful this sounds, statistically they have experienced the things and emotions that are so effortlessly captured on screen by Jonze, Max Records (Max) and the actors playing The Wild Things (led by a terrific James Gandolfini). The emotions played out on the screen are loneliness, doubt, fear, and love. The film in itself is an emotional roller coaster ride; one minute you are crying at the plight of a lonely kid that just had his sister stand by and do nothing when his igloo that he worked so hard to build is destroyed and the next minute you are giggling at the sheer joy being exhibited by The Wild Things as they play with Max.

It's a movie that is all about how hard it is to be a kid. It's scary, sad, confusing, and heartbreaking, but it's beautiful. It really is by far the best thing that Jonze has ever done and I think he will be hard pressed do to anything as emotional and pretty as this. The movie, from the very start, is something you can't take your eyes off of; effortlessly shot and realistic, even in the most fantastical parts.

Now, The Wild Things actors were described by a reporter on Fresh Air as "A crack repertory team" and it is a very apt description, but Max Records is the main reason the film works as well as it does. There is never a moment in the film where you think you are watching a child actor; he is just a kid and he plays it likewise. He takes every moment in the film very seriously, like a kid would. He breaks your heart when he needs to and makes you laugh at all the right times. He has the entire film in the palm of his hand and I wouldn't be surprised if he became a fantastic actor later in life.

All in all, it's one of the best films of 2009 and it demands to be seen by children and adults. Get out there and do your part to make sure this modern masterpiece does the business it needs to do.

Awesome Film Moment: Realizing the person you came with is crying just as hard as you are at the same parts.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hank and Dean Venture are back in the adventure "Blood of the Father, Heart of Steel"!

I'm not gonna lie the Season 4 premier of Venture Bros. could have easily been a season finale; it was that crazy. Though, it could have been a bit more linear, but it was really quite genius.

The episode picks up directly after Season 3 leaves off with Brock quitting, The Monarch's car blowing up with Henchman 24 and H.E.L.P.E.R. inside, and all of Doc Venture's Boy Clones dead....but afterward is when the real comedy starts. It seems that Brock was taken back in by the O.S.I. to get treatment for shrapnel wounds (H.E.L.P.E.R.'s head), but he escapes and goes on the lam.

To be totally honest though, I found all of the things happening back at The Venture Compound way funnier. It seems that Sargent Hatred is now Venture's new bodyguard, a bunch on Nazis are trying to get Doc Venture to clone a new Hitler from a dog who is Hitler's direct descendant (and Dean's new best friend), and Henchman 21 is a wayward soul of steals the X-1 to pick up his L.A.R.P crew, The Orchard St. Wolf back.

All and all a wildly entertaining and geeky as hell premier (particularly loved the Comic Book Price Guide joke) and I cannot wait for next week's Kevin Conroy-enhanced next episode.

Awesome Last Line: "BOYO! You don't know DICK!"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Body of Christ!

So last night I had the good fortune to happen upon a cinematic masterpiece; a masterpiece on the level of a Criterion release. This film is "Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter".

THAT'S RIGHT! YOU read that right..."Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter."

Now think on this title for a second, dear reader. Think on the imagery that this title conjures. NOW hold that image for a bit, NOW MULTIPLY IT BY A THOUSAND! That is how badass this movie is. You are not ready for this level of cinematic bliss. I'm not even going to give you a full fledged review of this film, for I could not to it justice, BUT what I will do is relay to you the synopses that graces the back of this gem. After you read it, you MUST go out and experience this giant of a film. "Avatar" eat your heart out:

"The second coming is upon us, and Jesus has returned to Earth. But before he can get down to the serious busisness of juding the living and the dead, he has to contend with an army of vampires that can walk in the daylight.

Combing Kung-Fu action with biblical prophecy and a liberal dose of humor, the film teams The Savior with Mexican wrestling hero El Santos aganist mytholigical horrors and science gone mad, and also manages to address contemporary sexual politics. And did we mention that it was a musical? This sure ain't Sunday School"


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Greetings and Salutations!

My name is J. Partridge, and welcome to This Nerderican Life. I plan on updating this blog as soon as possible with day by day bits of my life, but mostly really really nerdy things that I plan on bitching about or praising.

I actually, at this point, am re-watching my seasons of Doctor Who with my girlfriend, whom I will reference in this blog as The Girl. The main reason we are doing this is because we are kinda bored and we are kinda obsessed with Who (I got her into it and she fell head over heels with Tennant and Moffat's writing). The thing that really gets me though is that watching Davies' seasons gets me and The Girl really really excited for Moffat's and 11's (Matt Smith, pictured below) season.

Though the two things that really bug me are One: Can Moffat be consistently brilliant? and Two: If he is (which I plan on him being), will I be reduced to a sobbing child every season finale that he writes? (I will).

RIGHT THEN! Enough for now, more tomorrow.

Live Long and Prosper,

-J, Partridge