Sunday, October 25, 2009

"My nut sack is turning into Silly Putty down here!"

Tonight brought the latest adVENTURE (see what I did there), entitled "Handsome Ransom" and it was a doozy, dear readers. Not very many shows have had the honor of making me laugh out loud like I was watching and Apatow film (The Office U.S., 30 Rock, and Spaced hold that honor), but The Venture Brothers now hold the record, with this episode, of Show That Has Consistently Made Me Shoot Dr. Pepper Out of My Nose.

This week we saw the return of The Monarch, Dr. Mrs. Girlfriend, Pete White, and Master Billy Quizboy, but the real MPV of this episode is Capt. Sunshine. Sunshine is an amalgam of Batman and Superman with a taste for the young boys and a certain Monarch-related bad experience that has wounded him mentally. This character is voiced to perfection by Kevin "Batman" Conroy and easily gets some of the episodes best lines, but he doesn't get all the funny; the episode in itself is very witty and definitely shows a return to form for Publick and Hammer, as they continue to show why they are the best script writers in all of Cartoondom. The entire episode keeps you laughing.

"Handsome Ransom" revolves around the boys getting captured by The Monarch and getting rescued by Capt. Sunshine, who promptly ignores Dean and pretty much abducts Hank to turn into his new WonderBoy, his Robin essentially. Not wanting to give too much away, I will only say that things get real uncomfortable, real fast and Doc Venture, Sgt. Hatred, White, and Billy Quizboy have to rescue Hank (to get back White and Quizboy's seed money) while The Monarch and Dr. Mrs. Girlfriend are just trying to get revenge on Capt. Sunshine (for giving them hellish sunburns and ignoring Due Process).

Another really awesome part of the episode is how much you don't miss Brock. I mean, I love me some Brock Sampson as much as the next fella, but Sgt. Hatred is funny as hell and I love that he is the new Venture bodyguard.

In summation, season four is going to rock so frakking hard we will possibly go blind and I better see some more Capt. Sunshine.

Awesome Funny Line: "Where do ya want the pussy, Sunshine?!"

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