Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Greetings and Salutations!

My name is J. Partridge, and welcome to This Nerderican Life. I plan on updating this blog as soon as possible with day by day bits of my life, but mostly really really nerdy things that I plan on bitching about or praising.

I actually, at this point, am re-watching my seasons of Doctor Who with my girlfriend, whom I will reference in this blog as The Girl. The main reason we are doing this is because we are kinda bored and we are kinda obsessed with Who (I got her into it and she fell head over heels with Tennant and Moffat's writing). The thing that really gets me though is that watching Davies' seasons gets me and The Girl really really excited for Moffat's and 11's (Matt Smith, pictured below) season.

Though the two things that really bug me are One: Can Moffat be consistently brilliant? and Two: If he is (which I plan on him being), will I be reduced to a sobbing child every season finale that he writes? (I will).

RIGHT THEN! Enough for now, more tomorrow.

Live Long and Prosper,

-J, Partridge

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